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October 28, 2019

Asheville School Presents an Exhibition by Cleaster Cotton

Join Asheville artist Cleaster Cotton and Asheville School’s Fine Arts Department for the opening reception of Cotton’s exhibition “TransFormNation” on Wednesday, November 6 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Walker Arts Center’s John M. Crawford Art Gallery.

According to Cotton, this exhibition’s common threads are civil rights, human rights and inequities. She says, “Blatant and subliminal underbelly ‘stuff’ that is swept under the rug or that never sees the light of day is showcased.”

This contemporary art exhibit is presented in colorful, acrylic and mixed media narrative and figurative paintings on canvas, wood and paper. Cotton adds, “TransFormNation is an invitation to use art as a vehicle by which to examine daily inequities, injustices and privileges that destructively continue in our society without consideration. This exhibition is meant to spark questions, lead to answers and actions that prompt the positive transformation of our nation.”

Cotton’s work will hang in the John M. Crawford Art Gallery from November 6 through December 13. The reception is free and open to the public, and the John M. Crawford Gallery hours are Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.