Still Accepting Admission Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year
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Supporting Your Student

For Parents & Families

Students are entrusted to our care for four transformative years that shape their character and direct their path. As they stretch and soar past their comfort zone, our circle of devoted faculty and staff will challenge and champion them, while parent and family support provides constant grounding. Here, find resources that will help you assist your student during their time at Asheville School.

Get Involved,
Stay Connected

Our School Portal contains calendars, daily schedules, archives of email communications, access to college counseling resources, grades, and more.

Parents & Families FAQ

We encourage our families to access the School Portal for secure resources and information to support your student throughout the school year. Asheville School communicates frequently via email, so please make sure that we have a working email for each parent or guardian who needs to receive these communications.

The School Portal will take you to secure resources for parents. This is the hub of school resources and where you will find archives of email communications, calendars, daily schedules, access to college counseling resources, grades, and more. Periodically, the school will send a newsletter that includes important reminders and links — please make sure that we have a working email for each parent or guardian who needs to receive these newsletters.

Throughout the year, you will also receive occasional emails from the College Office, the Student Life Office, or other school departments. Make sure that you regularly check your email and keep us updated on any changes to your contact information.

The reading list for Summer Reading assignments by form and class can be found here.

2024-2025 School Supplies List

  • Pens, pencils, erasers (with a pencil bag/pouch)
  • Starter supply of paper (lined and graph)
  • 3-ring binders: D ring with clear cover pocket on front (1.5″)
  • A few spiral notebooks
  • Assignment book (the Asheville School Planner will be available in the bookstore upon arrival)
  • Seat cushion for desk chair
  • Ruler
  • Backpack (wide enough to carry a few textbooks and binders at the same time)
  • Index cards (3 x 5) for flash cards or a box of blank flash cards
  • Laptop cover for MacBook Air
  • Calculator – TI-83+, 83+ Silver Edition, 84+, or 84+ Silver Edition

Many of the items listed are available in the School Store for purchase.

Math Department Calculator Policy
Calculators are an essential tool for most math and science courses at Asheville School. All Asheville School students are required to have a Texas Instruments calculator of model 83+ or 84+ (any version of those basic models). Students are required to have the calculators in class with them each day unless otherwise noted by the teacher.

All new Asheville School students receive a 13” Apple MacBook Air with 8GB RAM and a 256 GB Hard Drive on opening day. This computer will come preloaded with Microsoft Office 365, and all students will use it for their classwork. Families will not be asked to pay for these laptops while in use at Asheville School.

If a student would like to bring another computer to use in addition to the school provided laptop, it must be cleared with the Technology Department.

You can view the room layouts of our residential facilities here.

You can view a recommended packing list here.

For returning students, the course selection process begins in February when teachers review their students’ academic records and make recommendations for the following year. Students then review these recommendations with their advisors, at which time they can request alternative courses if necessary.

In May, parents can review and approve those courses within the School Portal.

As new students are enrolled over the spring and summer, our Registrar will review their previous transcripts and standardized test scores and, based upon that information, make an initial recommendation for appropriate courses. For placement into some math classes and upper level foreign language classes, new students might need to take an online placement test; our Registrar will contact those students individually with specific instructions.

Student class schedules will be available in the Parent Portal — usually some time in July.

Over the summer, our Registrar will be working to build the academic schedule; adjustments to that schedule and to class enrollment will continue right up until the first day of school to ensure that sections are balanced and that students are enrolled in the appropriate courses. For that reason, student schedules are subject to change up to (and even just after) Opening Day.

After classes begin, all students will have the opportunity to modify their schedules if necessary. That process requires the input of the student’s advisor, the relevant teachers, and the student’s parents. The “Drop/Add” window closes after the first mid-trimester grades are released in late October.

The Day Student experience differs slightly from the traditional Boarding Student requirements; however, our Day Students are required to partake in activities outside of the academic day. Please view our Day Students FAQ here to familiarize yourself with Day Student expectations.

Yes! We are pleased to work with Virtelle Hospitality to offer our Asheville School community discounted rates at five hotels in the Asheville area. You can view the hotel rates here.  Please contact Rachel Logel at [email protected] for assistance with groups or special requests.

Support Asheville School

When you invest in Asheville School, you invest in our students. Your generous gift elevates the student experience today and helps ensure a bright future for generations to come.