Admission Application Deadline Update
The Regular Decision deadline is fast approaching on Saturday, February 1. Contact our Admission Team ([email protected]) with any questions.

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Helping You Thrive

Health, Wellness & Safety

Asheville School’s approaches to health, wellness, and safety are grounded in our deep commitment to being a nurturing community that supports the mind, body, and spirit of our students. Our holistic perspective on wellness includes programming aimed at helping individuals better understand their own identities as well as the perspectives of those around them.

Health and Wellness

Our students benefit from the exceptional care, guidance, and support of our on-campus health and wellness services.

Health Services

Located on the first floor of Anderson Hall, the Warner Arms Health Center houses a clinic, medication dispensary, and seven-bed infirmary. The Health Center is staffed by full time registered nurses, on duty at all times when school is in session, and supervising physician who comes to campus weekly. The Health Center coordinates closely with local physicians and specialists for any ongoing treatment and care of our students.

Athletic Training

Our trainers help students meet the mental and physical demands of their sport, ensuring they are able to stay healthy and prevent injuries while performing at their peak. In the case of an injury, certified trainers are here to treat, nurture, and rehabilitate student-athletes to prepare for their return to playing surfaces. Our staff also has close working relationships with local physicians and physical therapists to ensure timely referrals, appointments, and follow-ups, as needed.

Counseling Services
and Programming

Most of our students are living away from home for the first time, an experience filled with ample opportunities—and, at times, challenges. Good psychological health is essential to navigating it all. Our on-campus Director of Counseling, a Licensed Psychologist, and our on-campus Therapist, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, are here to help. They provide programming, resources, and services that support the psychological needs of individual students and the wellbeing of our broader school community. These counseling services are accessible, inclusive, responsive, voluntary, and private.

It includes the following:
  • Wellness Programming:

    Programming and resources regarding wellness and pertinent mental health topics and tools are provided to the entire school community throughout the year.

  • Short-Term Mental Health Services on Campus:
    Short-term, solution-focused sessions to provide support, assessment, and therapy for students in need.

  • Community Referrals and Partnerships:
    Our counselors have collaborative relationships with an array of community mental health care providers to provide student mental health services for ongoing therapy and specialized support. Our counselors work in partnership with families to make referrals to mental health providers in the community and support students in facilitating appointments.


The Counseling Department recognizes and values the importance of confidentiality as essential to the success of the counseling relationship and necessary in building a trusting therapeutic connection. Counselors will honor confidentiality and information will not be released without a student’s permission, unless the welfare of the student or the school community is at risk.

Campus Safety

Campus security guards are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are stationed at the gatehouse at the front of our campus, and patrol campus day and night. The school has access-controlled systems installed throughout campus, including security gates at every access point, perimeter fencing around the campus, and key card readers for every entrance to academic buildings and residence halls.

Empathy, Balance, and Respect

We are a community bound by how we treat each other, a place where compassion and understanding are as essential to education as critical thinking and writing skills. Asheville School is committed to fostering understanding and self-awareness across our collective—and that begins with ourselves as an institution. Explore the shapes our commitment takes, throughout our campus into our curriculum, below.

Blues Core

Our school-wide Blues Core programming ensures our students graduate as empowered individuals who are fully equipped to thrive in the world around them. It affords students time to talk with adults in small-group settings about life issues and creates a true sense of belonging. Each form’s program has a unique focus, with topics that evolve and elevate over time:

Third Form: Belonging

The first year of Blues Core orients students to life at Asheville School and offers a health education tailored to today. We dive into the influence social media has on our lives and explore the bedrock of healthy relationships: consent, communication, and respect. We also spend a significant amount of time learning about the science behind the teenage brain, as well as talking about drug awareness using the Stanford Medical Research Lab curriculum. Introductions to service learning and the arts at Asheville School sets students up for a year of active engagement.

Fourth Form: Safe Dates

Positive relationships are paramount to our overall well-being. We teach students how to actively build healthy dating relationships through positive communication, anger management, and conflict resolution. Designed by Dr. Vangie Foshee, a professor at University of North Carolina’s Gillings School of Global Public Health, this program is endorsed by Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.

Fifth Form: The Social Institute

As students continue to grow into capable and compassionate individuals, we identify values and discuss how our personal values influence our decisions. We learn to navigate our social world in positive ways while maintaining high character and healthy choices. Emphasis is placed on leadership development; stress management; the impact of drugs and alcohol on the teenage brain; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and college and career prep.

Sixth Form: Positive Psychology

In their final year at Asheville School, students are preparing for the joys and challenges that come with life after graduation. Our capstone Blues Core curricula span financial literacy, drug awareness, healthy relationships, exploration of positive psychology, political involvement, navigating relationships in a polarized world, and what it means to be 18 in the legal sense — topics that ensure students graduate as empowered individuals who are fully equipped to engage in the world around them.

Across all four years, students engage in deep and meaningful conversations, ponder their personal values, and learn how to view the world beyond their own perspective.

Learning Courage

Steering this effort is a Campus Leadership Team that represents numerous areas of school and campus life to ensure a diversity of perspective and insights. Since its formation in 2021, much has been accomplished, including Asheville School joining Learning Courage as a founding member school.

The nonprofit membership organization works with K12 independent schools to reduce incidents, improve responses, and support healing from sexual misconduct and abuse. Our founding membership connects us with 10 other independent schools (many of whom are boarding) to learn and share best practices for preventing and addressing sexual violence on our campuses.

Culture of Respect

Culture of Respect, an initiative of NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators), builds the capacity of educational institutions to end sexual violence through ongoing, expansive organizational change. The program works in partnership with schools to create policies and programs that support survivors, prevent sexual violence, and communicate that violence is unacceptable.

Sexual Misconduct Policy

Asheville School seeks to provide a safe and supportive environment where students can learn and grow. All forms of sexual misconduct interfere with the School’s goals and will not be tolerated.