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The Student Experience

Dress Code

An important component of Asheville School’s dress code is to enhance self-esteem and a culture of respect among students.

Consistent with its policy prohibiting discrimination, Asheville School supports its students who identify as gender fluid. To that end, students are expected to dress consistent with the dress code that reflects their gender identity.

While we are not a uniform school, we expect our students to treat their attire as such. For this reason, the School has established four dress codes. Students will be dismissed from class or activities if their standard of dress does not adhere to the dress code.

The School has four categories to its dress code: Classroom Dress, Relaxed Classroom Dress, Casual Dress, and Spirit Dress.

Classroom Dress

Classroom dress is worn on all class days from 8 a.m. through the end of the academic day, at Sunday services, and at community seated meals.

Option 1:
Dress pants with belt.
Button-down shirt with tie and blazer.
Dress shoes*

Option 2:
Dress OR skirt, blouse, and sweater OR dress pants, blouse, and cardigan or blazer
Dress shoes

*Athletic shoes, high-tops, any type of sneakers, or slides should not be worn as classroom dress shoes.

Relaxed Classroom Dress

Option 1:
Khakis or khaki-style shorts (in warm weather) with belt
Polo or button-down shirt
Comfortable shoes

Option 2:
Dress OR skirt, pants, or dress shorts (in warm weather) with a polo or blouse
Comfortable shoes

Casual Dress

During free time, in dormitories, and on vacation travel days, casual dress applies. Students are asked to dress appropriately for the climate and company.

Spirit Dress

Spirit Dress for all students includes: an official Asheville School t-shirt or sweatshirt (as an outermost layer) paired with jeans, khaki pants/shorts/joggers, tracksuit bottoms, sweatpants, tennis skirts, or dress shorts. Athletic shorts or leggings are prohibited, except that leggings may be worn underneath skirts, shorts, or dresses. Appropriate outwear may be worn when outside.

Students may follow Relaxed Classroom Dress if they choose to opt-out of Spirit Dress.