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August 26, 2019

Fourth Form Kicks Off the 2019-2020 Asheville School Service Program

Every other week, Asheville School hosts Service Saturday, where the school community comes together to serve both the Asheville School community and the greater Asheville community. On Tuesday, August 20, Asheville School fourth formers (sophomores) participated in their first service day of the year. 

Fourth formers typically work at off campus locations. For the inaugural service day, students volunteered with Bounty and Soul’s weekly market, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, Mountain Area Pregnancy Services, MANNA FoodBank and Owen Middle School.  

Students also participated in the History @ Hand walking tour of downtown Asheville, where they learned about the history of Asheville, architecture and race relations. 

“I’m very glad to have gotten such a great opportunity,” said Jackson Moore 2021, who volunteered with Bounty and Soul. There, they worked to sort produce deemed unsellable by local grocery stores. Bounty and Soul provides that produce free of charge to people across Buncombe County.  

“Lots of the produce super stores throw out is fine to eat, so we sorted what was good and what was not, and we were able to save tons of good produce,” said Moore. “The whole program is extremely important and allows us to not waste food.” 

Check out pictures from the service day here and learn more about our service program at ashevilleschool.org/school-life/service